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IVF treatment procedure

The decision to start fertility treatment should be made after consultation with a specialist doctor. It is common to seek the help of fertility treatments after about a year of trying to have a child, which came to naught.

Fertility treatments involve a number of gradual stages, the purpose of which is to bring about a woman’s pregnancy. The first and seemingly simple step in these treatments is to diagnose the cause of infertility. The appropriate treatment is determined accordingly: taking Clomiphene pills or ovarian stimulation injections such as Gonel or Purigon which help regulate ovulation and the development of additional follicles in the ovary and increase the chances of getting pregnant.

If a fallopian tube issue, a severe sperm issue, or failure of ovarian stimulation by injection treatments have been diagnosed, consideration should be given to IVF treatments – IVF treatments are in fact in vitro fertilization treatments.

As part of this medical procedure, the doctor takes a number of steps. First, he stimulates the ovaries in order to increase the number of eggs produced by the woman. A woman ovulates only one egg a month. By using drugs that stimulate the ovaries, the woman produces a large number of eggs each month, which can be collected and fertilized.

This step is constantly accompanied by close and careful monitoring by the attending physician, in conjunction with blood tests and ultrasound. The second step is the extraction of the eggs from the ovaries, and their combination with the sperm, which is fertilization. This process is performed in a hospital, and includes full anesthesia of the patient. On average, about ten eggs are aspirated, which are taken for laboratory testing.

The sperm is added to the mature eggs after it has been given by the man through masturbation, or by using a special condom that combines sexual contact, for religious reasons. The third step is to return the developing fetus into the uterine cavity. It is recommended to consult with the doctor about the amount of fetuses that it is recommended to return to the uterus, given of course varying parameters such as the woman's age, the quality of the fetuses, the couple's medical history, and more.

The process of returning the embryos isn’t complicated at all, and doesn’t involve any pain. The embryos are transferred to the uterine cavity through the uterine cavity, using a fine plastic tube.

Dr. Kedem will be happy to provide you with personal and dedicated care.

You are welcome to contact the clinic and arrange an initial consultation call without any commitment on your part.

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